Top Ten Stroller Accessories You Need for a Disney Vacation… and What to Leave at Home
Accessorizing your stroller is what will take your vacation to the next level! Once you’ve selected your stroller – or made a plan to obtain one when you arrive – make sure you are fully prepared with all the add-ons needed for your little ones. Let’s explore the top ten options that will make your trips to Walt Disney World stress-free.
10 – Blanket
In the early morning and at night, it can get quite chilly at Disney. If you are traveling during the winter season it can even be cold during the day! Bring a blanket to keep your little one cozy during these cooler times. Traditionally, in the afternoon it will get really hot so having a blanket that stows away easily is important. When my kids were little, I loved the muslin swaddle blankets as they were lightweight yet warm and could fold up pretty compact. Now that my kids are bigger, we go for a more traditional throw blanket.
9 – Cooling Padded Seat Cushion
Your baby will be spending a lot of time in the stroller, so make their seat comfy and cool with a wicking cushion! Not only will these cushions provide an airy spot to rest, but they can also help protect your stroller from diaper leaks and blowouts or potty accidents. Since you can’t toss your stroller in the wash, if there are spills you will at least be able to remove the cushion and toss it in with any laundry.
8 – Travel Bag for Airline
If you are flying, your stroller can fly for free! Don’t check it as luggage as you will want to bring it with you through security and gate check it. However, the airline is not gentle with your stroller and it may take a beating when tossed down below with the luggage. Plus, your stroller will be subject to any precipitation such as rain or snow as they transfer it. A travel bag will help protect your stroller from getting dirty, damaged, and wet. I have seen so many families pick up their strollers from gate check that were totally fine at the beginning of the trip but are not covered in filth or soaked through from rain. Taking just a few minutes to put your stroller in a bag will help protect it and increase its lifespan.
7 – Clip-On Fan
The heat in Florida can be brutal, especially in the summer months. A clip on fan can help cool your little ones down and are exceptional for infants who often nap in the stroller. Buy one ahead of time to save some money, but Disney does offer a version in the parks if needed. I recommend one with foam blades in case little fingers try to grab it. If you have toddlers or preschoolers, the spray bottle misting fans are also an option and they will find them fun to play with. Of course, you can always have both!
6 – Air Tag Tracker
While it is not common, stroller theft does happen at the parks. Your decorations that make it stand out also may help deter theft from happening, but having a plan in place will add peace of mind. Apple Air Tags are small tracking devices that allow you to accurately find their location. Find a hidden or tucked out of the way spot on your stroller to clip one of these on and make sure it’s set up before you arrive.
Keychain AirTag Holder Case
5 – Identifiable Label
When it’s time to visit attractions you will need to leave your stroller in the designated stroller parking areas. This means you will need to be able to locate your stroller in a sea of other strollers, many of which may be the same exact model and color. Plus, your stroller may not be in the same exact place you left it! Cast Members often move strollers to maximize space and fill in empty “parking spots” as strollers come and go. To help find your ride, decorate your stroller in a way that makes it easy to find. For us, I simply wrapped some ribbons around the handlebar. Some families go all out and get custom made signs on Etsy! The added bonus to whatever identifiable marker you choose, is that they will deter stroller theft.
4 – Large Carabiners and Hooks
While your stroller will likely have storage under the seats, large carabiners can add a lot of needed functionality. I usually clip on our shopping bags full of souvenirs, but the most common item I use them for is popcorn buckets. At the end of the day when you are folding up your stroller to board a bus, you can easily unclip these carabiners and clip them onto your diaper bag to continue in keeping your hands free.
3 – Parent Console
Some strollers already have a parent console and storage built into the design, but if yours does not or the one included doesn’t meet your needs a caddy is incredibly easy to add. Plus, this way you will get to select one that fits your needs! Features will include multiple insulated cup holders, zip pouches, and more. These consoles will be able to attach via velcro or clips onto the handle area. One unique idea I saw families use in the parks is the over-the-door shoe organizer, but I don’t recommend it. While the shoe organizer certainly provides a lot of pockets to toss your sunscreen, water bottles, and various other items that will be readily available, it does make folding/unfolding your stroller complicated. You would have to carefully remove the organizer or empty its contents every time, which seems like too much of a hassle over the potential convenience.
2 – Rain Cover
Even in sunny Florida it will rain. Rainy season is from April through November and you can expect to see at least one rain shower a day during that time. The rain in Florida can be torrential downpours, which can completely soak your belongings. Storms appear suddenly, so I recommend checking the weather before leaving your stroller at stroller parking and placing the rain cover on any time it looks like rain. Some strollers offer a branded matching rain cover, but there are also inexpensive off-brand options available. Practice putting the cover on and taking it off to put away before your vacation so you are prepared. I don’t recommend using alternative options such as an extra poncho or shower curtain as they just don’t provide good coverage and have a tendency to blow off in the wind of the storms.
1 – Toy and Cup Straps
Children drop things all the time – be it their cups, snacks, pacifiers, or stuffed friends. Losing any of these things can cause panic and trigger meltdowns, which makes toy tethers our number one most important stroller accessory. Give yourself some peace of mind by securing all of your child’s belongings directly to the stroller! What’s great about these tethers is that you don’t have to unload and reload items as the stroller can be folded up with the connected items still attached, making the utilization of transportation easier. Additionally, the tethers provide some independence for your kids who will be able to pick up or put down their items as they need. When my children were infants, I kept a few extra of these in our diaper bag to bring into restaurants to secure items to their high chair as well.
What You MIGHT Need:
Extra Storage
While strollers often feature a lot of storage underneath or behind, sometimes that isn’t easy to access – especially for your child when they are more independent. A storage bag clipped onto the side, next to their seat, will allow you to keep their favorite items nearby such as snacks and drinks. If you want to forgo the diaper bag, you can also use these bags to store those items.
Infant Toys
Very little ones need teethers and toys to play with. Select items that are waterproof and easy to clean as they may get dirty or wet from rain and the elements. Avoid plush toys, especially ones that are spot clean only. Definitely avoid anything sentimental or special as it could get lost or stolen.
What You DO NOT Need:
Trays and Cup Holders for Kids
Belly bar trays are moderately useful for infants or toddlers, but once out of that stage they can be more of a nuisance than a benefit. Older children will find belly bars and trays challenging when climbing in/out of the stroller on their own. If the cups/bottles your child uses are prone to leaks or don’t close well, then the tray or cup holder may be needed. Otherwise, I recommend just using the tether straps.
Car Seat Adapter
If your baby is six months old and up you will not need to utilize a car seat adapter on your stroller – unless you want to. In fact, you don’t need to bring their car seat at all unless you are renting a car. Leave the adapter and the car seat at home and plan to just use the stroller seat on its own. Make sure your stroller has a five-point harness seat belt for very little ones so they stay secure in their seat. If your little one is younger than six months old, you will need to either bring the car seat with adapter on your stroller or a stroller with seat/bassinet that is made specifically for infants.
Sun Shade
As a first time mom knowing we would go on vacations, I bought one of these. Two kids later and guess what… it’s still in the original package. You seriously don’t need one of these things. Make sure that the stroller you are getting has sufficient canopy coverage and that will be plenty.
Mosquito Netting
Same as the sun shade, I never used the mosquito net. Mosquitoes love me and I am highly sensitive to these pests, but I have never been bitten by a mosquito at Disney World. At Disney, Cast Members and Imagineers utilize numerous methods to keep mosquitoes at bay and so you will rarely (if ever) find a mosquito at the parks.
Toy Bar
Very little ones often need toys and teethers to keep them occupied. Skip the bulky toy bar – it makes folding the stroller more complicated. Instead, just get a few chewy waterproof toys to attach with toy tethers. You can even leave these attached/on when folding up the stroller!
Are there other items you like to accessorize your stroller with for Disney? Drop a comment below to let us know!
Check out our other stroller guides including a guide on selecting a stroller to purchase and the great debate of bringing vs. renting vs. buying.
— Jennelle